2 Jul 2023 - Fire-proof offline root password storage

How do you securely and safely store your password for your password manager? Password managers solve the problem of storing the basket of passwords to be used for each application, but how should the master password for the password manager be saved? If this password is to be stored in an online digital medium, then obviously that medium will need to be password protected, since the security for the basket of passwords is only as good as the security into this online digital medium. But where should the keys to the online digital medium be stored? If the logic is followed through to the end, then in my humble opinion, the root password should be stored offline.

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6 May 2023 - Restoring Windows admin rights with physical access

IT administrators sometimes lose access to admin rights. This usually happens when devices are inherited from departed staff at short notice and without an accessible central system to catalogue all these assets. Not having administrative privileges can limit your ability to perform debugging and other important tasks on your device, especially for IT professionals. Previously, I described how to regain access for Linux systems and this post is now for Windows based systems.

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7 Apr 2023 - Restoring broken initrd for XCP-ng

XCP-ng could fail to boot, complaining that error: file /boot/initrd-4.19-xen.img' not found. This happened to me after a interrupted XCP-ng boot, but the problem can rectified easily.

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